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What is Occupational Therapy? 

The World Federation of Occupational Therapists defines occupational therapy as a profession concerned with promoting health and well-being through occupation. The primary goal of occupational therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life. Occupational therapists achieve this outcome by enhancing the individual's ability to participate, by modifying the environment, or by adapting the activity to better support participation.

Another way of thinking about the ideas contained in these definitions could be: occupational therapy is about understanding the importance of an activity to an individual, being able to analyze the physical, mental and social components of the activity and then adapting the activity, the environment and/or the person to enable them to resume the activity. Occupational therapists would ask, "Why does this person have difficulties managing his or her daily activities (or occupations), and what can we adapt to make it possible for him or her to manage better and how will this then impact his or her health and well-being?”

Occupational therapy gives people the "skills for the job of living" necessary for "living life to its fullest."


What is Aging in Place?

According to a recent article in the The Puget Sound Business Journal, aging in place means building and remodeling homes so the 76 million baby boomers who are preparing for retirement in a single home, age 50 and older, can stay in their homes comfortably, safely and independently as they age, regardless of physical challenges.

Do you accept insurance?

No, Indeboom is a private, fee-for-service company only.


Why Indeboom?

Why not?  To our knowledge, we are one of the only home modification, aging-in-place company's in the Northwest, independently owned and operated , by a state licensed and nationally registered occupational therapist.  When doctors want a home safety evaluation and any necessary equipment or recommendations made to help their patients regain their indepedence, they write a prescription for occupational therapy.  Instead of going with a contractor or builder who may need to charge an additional fee to have an occupational therapist come aboard, why not have the health and medical professional on your side initially.  We will make our recommendations and will then send them to your contractor or we can take it one step further by using our contacts through the NAHB, CAP's program, and do the work for you.  Overall, going with us simply makes the best sense.

Home renovations can be an expensive undertaking. How do I know that I am making the right decisions for my future?

Financially, it makes much more sense to have the adjustments made before your home is built.  However, this should not deter you from moving forward with a home modification decades after your home has been built.  As we age, our bodies and minds change, but our homes stay the same structurally.  It's up to you to adapt your home to you and your changes or your family's changes so you can remain as independent as possible.

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